Ideally, a credit card should be a consumer tool that adds flexibility and opens possibilities. For far too many, they instead become a financial burden, due in large part to sky-high interest rates and fees. A considerable number of Americans (about 40% according to one study) name high-interest credit card debt as the chief obstacle they face in building wealth.
Freedom Credit Cards offer amazing benefits and rewards along with low interest rates. Whether you’re looking for a new card to help build your credit, seeking better rewards, or interested in transferring balances for a low interest rate, we have a card to suit your needs.
Not sure which Freedom credit card is right for you? We’ve put together a few customer profiles to help you decide.
Kelsie is 22 years old and just recently graduated from college. She thinks getting a new credit card will be a great way to build her credit as she works toward a lucrative career and starts saving for her own place. We agree! It’s a great way to build credit, and our Visa Rewards card is just the right fit. With an APR never to exceed 18.00%1, including balance transfers and cash advances, credit lines from $250 to $25,000 and 1.5 reward points for every $1 spent, Kelsie can earn points redeemable for things she enjoys while building her credit.3
Robert is 37 years old. He is married with two kids. Robert does his best to budget carefully, but sometimes he has used credit cards to cover unexpected expenses, holiday travel and occasional gaps in cash flow. He is interested in transferring this balance to a low-interest card so he can more easily pay off the debt.
We recommend that Robert apply for the Freedom Credit Union Visa Platinum card. With an APR never to exceed 18%1, it’s a significant improvement over his current card’s 25% rate! He will be able to transfer his current debt and set a plan to pay it down.3
Freedom Credit Cards: Great Benefits Across the Board
Whichever card you choose, you’ll enjoy a whole range of benefits, from travel and emergency assistance to purchase security and extended warranties on purchases.3
Learn More about Freedom Credit Cards and Apply Today!