At Freedom Credit Union’s Annual Holiday Dinner in November, David Chase, Vice President of Business Lending, was presented with this year’s President’s Award and several employees were recognized for their years of service.
A colleague nominated Chase for the President’s Award, which recognizes a Freedom employee for his/her commitment to professional excellence. The employee said that Chase “has reinvented our Commercial Lending department to what it is today and is continuing to grow this sector of our business.”

During the evening, several employees were recognized for their years of service.
30 years of service: Lori Casineau, Lynn Reigner
25 years of service: Michelle Creek
20 years of service: Lee Bombard, Dianne Michaud
15 years of service: Edward Nunez
10 years of service: Kara Herman, Allen Reed, Kate-Lyn Reigner
5 years of service: Jennifer Bamford, Ashley Gamache, Nickel Hay, Belinda Larochelle, Cynthia Mahoney Rock, Cheryl Podgorski, Shane Powell, Lisa Reburn, Robin White
In addition, eleven employees were recognized for receiving a GEM Award as part of Freedom’s new GEM (Going the Extra Mile) program. C. Melin Menas and Lynne Wallace were honored for being named “Credit Union Heroes” by Banker and Tradesman magazine.