We are again seeing an increase in the number of fraud attempts and want to remind you to be aware of spoofing scams. With this sophisticated fraud, callers “spoof” our phone number and name, so “Freedom Credit Union” or “Freedom Credit Union Fraud Department” appears in the caller ID along with our actual phone number. The callers ask you to provide your detailed debit card information, which is then used to make multiple purchases.
We will never call, email or text and ask you to divulge sensitive information or perform any actions. Nor will we send an email or leave voicemail messages on a mobile or home telephone requesting you to reply to an email or call to update or verify financial account information.
Do not engage with any calls or messages such as these. If you receive a call, hang up. If you receive an email or text, do not respond or click any links. Please call us at 1-800-821-0160 to report the attempt. It’s always best to double-check if you have any doubt about the authenticity of a call or message that seems to be from Freedom Credit Union.
You can learn more about common scams and how to protect yourself at our online Security & Fraud Center. We also routinely post alerts and tips on our Facebook page and encourage you to follow us for the latest updates.