Springfield branch manager Melin Menas was on WWLP-22 News talking about the great work of our members and staff in…
Members are receiving phone calls that are not from Freedom. Click here to learn more.
Springfield branch manager Melin Menas was on WWLP-22 News talking about the great work of our members and staff in…
Eligible students can apply through May 14 for one of 10 college scholarships worth $1,250 each for the 2021 fall semester.
Throughout the month of April, we are accepting cash donations at all our branches to bring moments of joy to children with cancer.
If you’re tired of your bank making the old switcheroo, then Freedom may be the stable choice for you. Learn why.
Freedom Credit Union branches throughout western Massachusetts are collecting cash donations to support local animal shelters through 3/31.
Our four-legged friends need our help. Learn how you can provide aid for local animal shelters right here in Western Massachusetts.
We are once again adapting the format of our Annual Meeting and using a drive-up voting process.
In recognition of National Credit Education Month, we give you eight steps you can take to improve your credit score.
Freedom Credit Union was awarded a $58,800 Workforce Training Fund Program grant to train 29 workers by 2023.
Freedom Credit Union is continuing to accept donations for their 11th annual blanket and clothing drive throughout February.
Please make a cash donation to the Gift of Warmth – Blanket, Clothing and Pajama Drive throughout February at all our branches.
Our Spring 2021 Community Shred Days will be held in Springfield & Feeding Hills on 5/8 and Northampton & Greenfield on 5/14.
Our members and the local community have raised a total of $7,500 to benefit the Pioneer Valley USO.
Our President and CEO, Glenn Welch, was featured in this article in BusinessWest that discusses how financial institutions stepped up with increased community support during the pandemic—our philanthropic contributions increased by 17%, despite the challenges faced.
Early last year, we expanded our field of membership to include Hartford and Tolland counties in Connecticut, welcoming many new members and businesses to the Freedom family. We were recently recognized by our friends at FOX61 with a Coffee Cup Salute
2020 College Scholarship Applications
Help us support the Pioneer Valley USO this holiday season!
This year’s theme, “Inspiring hope for a global community,” reflects how credit unions contribute to a brighter future by providing financial empowerment. Learn more about our local efforts.
It’s no secret that in this digital age, cybersecurity is a tremendous concern. While there’s no foolproof way to protect all the data we share online, there are steps you should take.
Just like your physical health, your financial health needs to be kept in check, especially if the pandemic has put extra pressure on your budget. These tips can help.
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